Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Interview with Milk and Honey Farm

On Wednesdays we enjoy our  interviews  with a local business that celebrates our philosophy of fresh, local and creative. We especially like the give away featuring a product from the business owner.  This week we interviewed Milk and Honey Farm owner and operator Tracey Hansen. 

Doorstep Bakery interview with *Milk and Honey Farm*

Doorstep Bakery:  Tracey your family's Milk and Honey Farm appears to be not only the  culmination of a long held dream but an ongoing vision as  well. Tell us what led you to this path and your inspirations along the way.

Tracey Hansen: I have been an advocate for healthy eating for near 20 years. Having tried everything from raw to vegetarian and everything in between, I know that eating locally, healthy produced foods in good mix and moderation is the best way to health. Our farming adventure started with bees. TJ's dad was a beekeeper for 20 years. When he hung up his veil, he passed his passion and equipment on to his son. That was in 2004 when we lived in the city limits of Tullahoma and had 3 hives. During that time, I also had the opportunity to learn the art of livestock care with a wonderful mentor. We read, prayed, talked over and dreamed for 2 years until the time was right for us to move and tend land, animals, gardens and many more beehives. Inspiration came from everywhere including the encouragement of friends and family We would not be the family farm we are without that encouragement and prayers.
Doorstep Bakery:  A farm is by necessity is an enormous amount of work,however I sense it is a labor of love for you and your family. Can you give us some idea of your day's work and how you weave this around the demands of 'mommy' and 'wife'.

Tracey Hansen:  Wow, not sure I do this well at all most days but I am up by 5:30 to milk the cow and the goats, strain and cool the milk. The morning chores are done by 7 most days when I take  few minutes to help get TJ to work and I have some quiet time for about an hour. During the day, we get schoolwork, housework and play with the animals. In the evening, most of the time some of the boys feed and tend to the animals. If I am milking twice per day, then I go out. Otherwise, I can get supper ready for them when they come in. Farming has its ebb and flow just like many things in life. After 2 years, we have found a rhythm that works most of the time. As always, we are flexible to change that may be necessary such as downsizing how many animals we have or how much of a crop to grow. Labor of great love, yes indeed.
Doorstep Bakery: Of all the products that you make, which expresses your genuine creativity the best and why?

Tracey Hansen:  Oh my soap of course. I created the formula based on the ingredients that are available to me at an effective cost and good skin enriching properties. I grow and infuse many botanicals into oil for the soap too. Rose petals, nettle leaf, red clover, St. John's Wort, plantain and many more because of their skin healing or softening strengths. Using only natural vegetable oils and butters, pure essential oils and organic ingredients when possible make a product I am very proud of and stand firmly behind. Everyone has to bathe and why not as naturally as possible. Our bodies are a temple of the Lord and anything that goes on or in them is important to Him. I want it to be important to my patrons as well. So far, the reception has been overwhelming. More and more, people WANT natural! This warms my heart so much.
Doorstep Bakery: Where do you want to see Milk and Honey Farm in the  future?
Tracey Hansen: Oh wow, good question. We have lots of great ideas in the works. Participating with the Bean's Creek Farmer's Market has opened a wonderful door for us. I won't give secrets away but I know our farm is blessed by God and He has great plans to prosper what we do. My biggest goal for the future will be charity work and how we can use what we have been blessed with to bless others.
Today's Giveaway:  French Sourdough Boule and Honey from Milk and Honey Farm!
To enter, please leave a comment in today's post (one entry per person, please).  We will randomly pick a winner on Wednesday of next week and you can collect the prize at the Bean's Creek Farmer's Market
on Thursday 9/22/2011. Visit the Doorstep Bakery table to claim your prize and of course visit Milk and Honey Farm while you are there.
**To post a comment you must become a follower of the blog and then post a comment.  It also posted after I used the "preview" button.  If you have any probelms just post on our Facebook page and we will make sure you gets added to the drawing.**
Doorstep Bakery celebrates Fresh, Local, Seasonal, and Creative products and those persons who use thier talents to fulfill dreams and hopes for the future.


  1. Love the blog...I do love honey!

  2. Doorstep Bakery is such a creative and lovely business. Can't wait to see more posts from this blog!

  3. Hi Family...So nice to have found you on here via Tracey's blog. Don't know if you know me from co-op, but I know you. (how corny did that just sound?)

    Blessings to you all...

  4. I loved speaking with you yesterday, I do love to cook and try new things, so I will give the peach jam a try. Going to the farmers market on sat, for some peach. Thank you so much for being willing to help us with our moms night out, we are looking forward to it.
